Maxine The Killer II

This is the official sequel to Read that so it makes more sense.
"Two murderers have been on the loose in Florida. 12 people have been injured, 20 people have been left dead. It is unknown who has done this, but on of the witnesses has claimed that one was a male wearing a white hoodie, long black hair, and white skin. He never seemed to blink, and has a smile carved into his face. The other has been claimed to be a female with dark blue hair, a constant, long grin, a dark pink shirt and black shorts with grey leggings, and white boots, and she had bloodshot eyes with tiny, red pupils. It terrified the witness, and the female suspect looked like she was possessed by a demon! This is it for Channel 20 News. Goodnight."
That was a news report I had heard. My name is Derek, and I am a detective, interested into this mystery of the murders. I took a trip to Florida, then headed to where the murders took place. It was near an old, seemingly abondoned mental asylum. In fact, it was right behind it. Then, I felt something take off my hat. I looked around, but nobody seemed to be there. Maybe it was the wind. I dunno.
So, anyway, after walking around a bit, I heard a small whisper.
I didn't know what it meant, so I quickly got into my car, when I found a little black...thing in my car. It looked like a monster. Almost like... A demon. I found this scary, and quickly got my fly swatter. I started smacking it with it, but after about the fifth smack,it turned into what I'm pretty sure the news report described. That same dark blue hair, and those demented bloodshot eyes with red pupils. I heard it say in a demonic voice, 
I continued smacking it, but it got an abnormally sharp knife. Then I looked in the backseat, and it looked just like the male murderer that the news report mentioned. The long black hair, the pale white skin... Everything. I quickly got out of the car as they started to chase me. The female lunged at me, as I dodged with grace. I knew I had to get out of there quick.
I knew it would be risky going there, so I bought some weapons with me. The fly swatter I mentioned earlier, a ball, and finally a saw. I knew the saw would be more useful then a ball and a fly swatter, so I switched to the saw. I tried to chop the male's head off, but he dodged. I tried to do the same thing at the female, but she dodged too. "Missed!" They both said.
I was doomed. They seemed invincible. My only option was to go back in the car and drive home. So I had to do it. I went in the car and slammed the doors before they could get in and started driving home. But when I went home... Oh no, he's behind me! Now she's behind me!!! Help me! HELP! THE'RE GAUGING MY EYES OUT! THERES TAOING MY MOUYTH! GGUKSGSFZBSYYEBSNSKSKS

...we are here now. we hope you enjoy it. we will see you again soon.

This person was never seen again.